Volunteer Since: 2023
Birthday: 06/17/2021
Breed: Domestic Longhair
Handler Name: Michaela Baltasar-Feyen
Toy: Wand toys with furry mice
Sport: ELP soccer - Go Spurs!
Hobby: Being in charge
Song: He's in his Swifty era
Place to sleep: Belly up on a king-sized bed
Place to be petted: Chin scritches, tummy rubs
Way to show affection: Nuzzling, air biscuits
Birthday: 06/17/2021
Breed: Domestic Longhair
Handler Name: Michaela Baltasar-Feyen
Book: "The Little Prince"Toy: Wand toys with furry mice
Sport: ELP soccer - Go Spurs!
Hobby: Being in charge
Song: He's in his Swifty era
Place to sleep: Belly up on a king-sized bed
Place to be petted: Chin scritches, tummy rubs
Way to show affection: Nuzzling, air biscuits