Volunteer Since: 2016
Birthday: 02/19/2010
Breed: English Shepherd
Handler Name: Marcia Bell
Place/s to visit: Schools, Colleges
Hobby: Guarding "Her" Yard
Trick: Shake, Wait, Crawl
Animal friend: Her new dog Kiwi
Petting style: Anything, anywhere, anytime!
Place to be petted: Belly, of Course!
"I've never met a human I didn't like."
Birthday: 02/19/2010
Breed: English Shepherd
Handler Name: Marcia Bell
Treat: Chicken Apple DiscsPlace/s to visit: Schools, Colleges
Hobby: Guarding "Her" Yard
Trick: Shake, Wait, Crawl
Animal friend: Her new dog Kiwi
Petting style: Anything, anywhere, anytime!
Place to be petted: Belly, of Course!
"I've never met a human I didn't like."