Volunteer Since: 2018
Birthday: 10/31/2014
Breed: Golden Retriever
Handler Name: David Peterson
Place/s to visit: Buddy loves to visit Schools
Sport: Jumping off the dock for Balls
Trick: Bringing you a Beverage
Store: The Block and their Mutt Loaf
Way to unwind: Snuggling with Anyone
Animal friend: Our grand dog Finley also a GR
Way to show affection: Leaning In
"Buddy says: "I'd like to be fed more.""
Birthday: 10/31/2014
Breed: Golden Retriever
Handler Name: David Peterson
Treat: Frosty PawsPlace/s to visit: Buddy loves to visit Schools
Sport: Jumping off the dock for Balls
Trick: Bringing you a Beverage
Store: The Block and their Mutt Loaf
Way to unwind: Snuggling with Anyone
Animal friend: Our grand dog Finley also a GR
Way to show affection: Leaning In
"Buddy says: "I'd like to be fed more.""