Volunteer Since: 2025
Birthday: 01/18/2022
Breed: American shorthair
Handler Name: Margaret Nathan
Place/s to visit: Schools and Libraries
Book: Oh the Places You'll Go
Animal friend: Mocha
Fruit: Strawberries
Place to sleep: On laps, on a blanket
Place to be petted: Back
Way to show affection: Cuddles
"Who you calling little?"
Birthday: 01/18/2022
Breed: American shorthair
Handler Name: Margaret Nathan
Treat: CarrotsPlace/s to visit: Schools and Libraries
Book: Oh the Places You'll Go
Animal friend: Mocha
Fruit: Strawberries
Place to sleep: On laps, on a blanket
Place to be petted: Back
Way to show affection: Cuddles
"Who you calling little?"