Volunteer Since: 2020
Birthday: 09/01/2018
Breed: Lion/Lop
Handler Name: Missy DeLorenzo
Place/s to visit: Children's Hospital
Book: The Rabbit Listened
Sport: Agility
Trick: Flipping Stacking Cups
Animal friend: Sparks the Rat
Place to be petted: Nose, Cheeks, Back
"What's a rabbit with static have? A bad hare day!"
Birthday: 09/01/2018
Breed: Lion/Lop
Handler Name: Missy DeLorenzo
Treat: CranberriesPlace/s to visit: Children's Hospital
Book: The Rabbit Listened
Sport: Agility
Trick: Flipping Stacking Cups
Animal friend: Sparks the Rat
Place to be petted: Nose, Cheeks, Back
"What's a rabbit with static have? A bad hare day!"