Volunteer Since: 2025
Birthday: 08/10/2019
Breed: Golden Retriever
Handler Name: Kristi Pink
Sport: Swimming
Trick: Shake with both paws
Way to unwind: Snuggle with family movie
Animal friend: My sister Mya and friend Rita
Fruit: Apples
Place to be petted: Belly or behind ears
Way to show affection: Snuggle or butt wiggles
Birthday: 08/10/2019
Breed: Golden Retriever
Handler Name: Kristi Pink
Treat: ButterSport: Swimming
Trick: Shake with both paws
Way to unwind: Snuggle with family movie
Animal friend: My sister Mya and friend Rita
Fruit: Apples
Place to be petted: Belly or behind ears
Way to show affection: Snuggle or butt wiggles