Volunteer Since: 2023
Birthday: 02/05/2020
Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Handler Name: Erika Langefels
Place/s to visit: My Grandparent's lake home
Toy: Chewy Vuitton purse
Trick: Sitting pretty & pouty Scouty
Animal friend: My sister Toula
Way to show affection: Sitting on laps, giving kisses
Birthday: 02/05/2020
Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Handler Name: Erika Langefels
Treat: Ice cubes & peanut butterPlace/s to visit: My Grandparent's lake home
Toy: Chewy Vuitton purse
Trick: Sitting pretty & pouty Scouty
Animal friend: My sister Toula
Way to show affection: Sitting on laps, giving kisses