Volunteer Since: 2020
Birthday: 08/27/2018
Breed: Dumbo Fancy Rat
Handler Name: Missy DeLorenzo
Way to unwind: Hang out with Human Friend
Animal friend: All her Rat sisters
Fruit: Apples, Berries, Bananas
Way to show affection: Cuddle up and Snooze
"What's a Rat with allergies? Rat-a-choo ouille!"
Birthday: 08/27/2018
Breed: Dumbo Fancy Rat
Handler Name: Missy DeLorenzo
Treat: ChocolateWay to unwind: Hang out with Human Friend
Animal friend: All her Rat sisters
Fruit: Apples, Berries, Bananas
Way to show affection: Cuddle up and Snooze
"What's a Rat with allergies? Rat-a-choo ouille!"